Are you overwhelmed with infertility treatment options like IVF and IUI? Don’t worry, we have listed here the process and difference between In-vitro Fertilization and Intrauterine Insemination. If you are considering these fertility treatments then this article will help you discuss them with experts further.

The success rate of both treatments will depend upon many factors, such as the age of the woman undergoing the treatment, the medications used, and the expertise level of the doctor. A good IVF center in Delhi, can provide you with the best advice on this.

Difference Between In-Vitro Fertilization and Intrauterine Insemination

In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) and Intrauterine insemination (IUI) differ from each other starting from the process to results. 

The Process

The process of IUI is simpler than IVF as intrauterine insemination involves some medication and one step of insertion. In this treatment, medications are given to stimulate ovulation. After that, the sperms were inserted directly into the uterus with a simple insertion process.

On the other hand, in-vitro fertilization is more complicated and needs multiple steps to be followed. In this procedure, patients go through ovulation stimulant medication followed by egg retrieval with a small incision process. In the next step, embryos are developed in the lab and then inserted directly into the uterus.


In the above section, we can see the procedure for in-vitro fertilization is a bit complicated and involves multiple steps in comparison to intrauterine insemination. There is a chance of complications in IVF. So you must consider an experienced doctor and a renowned IVF center in Delhi that is fully equipped for the treatment.

Time and Cost Involved

The chances of conceiving in intrauterine insemination with a natural ovulation cycle are less. That is why it takes multiple cycles to give results. Multiple attempts mean a multiplication of charges and more time. However, IUI is 10 times cheaper than IVF treatment. But if you are running out of time, then expenses do not matter.

The in-vitro fertilization process is costly, but mostly one or two attempts are enough for a successful pregnancy. One cycle of IVF takes longer than one cycle of IUI. But as IVF takes less attempt, the ultimate time required for in-vitro fertilization is less than IUI. The treatment provides the best results under the supervision of experienced doctors at a well-equipped IVF center in Delhi.

The Success Rate

The Success rate of in-vitro fertilization is higher than intrauterine insemination. However, here age and the reason for infertility are big factors that influence the result. The success rate for women over 40 years of age is significantly low in both treatment procedures.

IUI success rate varies from 10% to 55% based on infertility reasons. The success rate for women under 35 of age with a natural ovulation cycle is around 15% in the first cycle of IUI.

The success rate of IVF in women under 35 years of age with their own egg, is around 50%. However, if the embryos are genetically tested, the success rate can go up to 60% to 70%.

Chances Of Multiples

The multiples can cause threats to babies and mothers. In intrauterine insemination, the ovulation process is stimulated, and there is a chance of maturing more than one egg in one cycle. The in-vitro fertilization process is more precise. Experienced doctors of modern IVF center in Delhi will transfer only one matured embryo at a time. The other embryos (if any) are frozen for the future. This is why the chances of twins or multiples are less in IVF in comparison to IUI.

Health Conditions

Patients with mild cervical issues, mild ovulation issues, mild male fertility issues, etc. can go for intrauterine insemination treatment if have at least one unblocked fallopian tube and a normal uterine cavity.

On the other hand, in-vitro fertilization is used in the case of blocked fallopian tubes, reduced ovarian reserve, age over 40, advanced endometriosis, and critical male factor infertility.


Both in-vitro fertilization and intrauterine insemination are proven effective in treating infertility. IUI is cheaper but takes more attempts to get results. IVF is better for older couples and couples with critical health conditions. IVF provides you with guaranteed results most of the time. However, a renowned and well-equipped IVF center in Delhi, should be considered for a safe IVF experience. At Autus Care, we take pride in providing access to some of the most reputable IVF centers and experienced IVF doctors in in Delhi, providing personalized care so that each couple’s medical history and fertility challenges are given due consideration.

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